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NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING PURSANT TO section 5-508 of the Village Law, the preliminary budget for the Village of Tully has been prepared and filed with the Village Clerk at the Village office, 5833 Meetinghouse Road, Tully, NY, where it may be inspected by any interested parties during normal business hours.  Said preliminary budget includes compensation for the Mayor of $4,000.00 per annum and for each of the Trustees of $950.00 per annum.  A summary of the preliminary budget is as follows:  Taxes to be raised for General Fund $257,582.00; Water Assessment $128,487.00, Sewer Assessment $69,942.00. The amount to be raised through user fees is as follows:  Water Fund $190,865.00; Sewer Fund $262,735.00.   A public hearing will be held at the Municipal Building at 5833 Meetinghouse Road, Tully, NY on April 2nd, 2025 at 7:00pm, to consider same before final adoption.  The Board will also discuss any other Village business brought before the Board.  Regular Village Board meeting to follow after the Budget Hearing. All are welcome to attend.



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting will be held by the Tully Joint Planning Board for the Village of Tully, New York, on March 27, 2025, at 7 p.m., in the Municipal Building, located at 5833 Meetinghouse Road, Tully, New York, on the request of Milan Atanaskovic, for modifications to the existing site plan for the Circle K located at 5755 NY 80, Tully, New York 13159. The applicant proposes replacing its diesel fueling canopy at their convenience store and refueling facility located at 5755 NY-80, Tully, New York 13159, adding an additional high speed truck diesel fueling lane, updating directional signage, and relocation of a shielded trash closure. The subject parcel is designated as Tax Parcel No. 101.01-1-02.1, and located in a Commercial Zoning District.

A copy of this application is open to inspection at the office of the Village of Tully Clerk at 5833 Meetinghouse Road, Tully, New York during the Village Clerk’s published regular business hours.  Persons wishing to appear at the hearing may do so in person or by attorney or other representation.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Joint Planning Board’s review is for an advisory opinion only. The Village Board of Trustees has jurisdiction over site plan reviews. 

            Communications in writing in relation thereto may be filed with the Board, or at such hearing.                                                                                        

Cancellation of Meeting – March 12th

The Tully Village Board has decided not to have the tentative March 12th meeting at 7pm due to the fact that the budget workshop on March 5th had met the criteria for a preliminary budget. 

Special Meeting: Budget Workshop-Open to the Public

Please take notice, that a special meeting of the Village of Tully Board of Trustees will be held on March 5th, 2025 at 5:30 PM at the Municipal Building, 5833 Meetinghouse Road, in the Village of Tully for a Budget Workshop.  The Regular Village Board meeting is to follow at 7PM.  Furthermore, there is a tentative Budget Workshop for March 12th, 2025 at 5:30PM at the Municipal Building, 5833 Meetinghouse Road, if the previous workshop did not meet all the criteria for a balanced budget.

Please take further notice that said meetings are open to the public and that this notice is being given in accordance with the New York Open Meetings Law.

Maureen Bibik, Village Clerk

Office Will Be Closing Early on 1-30-2025

Due to the Clerk needing to go to a Doctors Appointment on Thursday January 30, 2025, the office will be open from 9AM to 11AM. Normal office hours will resume on Friday January 31,2025.

Organizational and Regular Village Board Meeting

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Tully Board of Trustees has scheduled an organizational and a regular Village Board meeting for Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, at 6:30pm in leu of holding the meeting on January 1st, 2025.  The meeting will be held at the Municipal Building located at 5833 Meetinghouse Road Tully, New York 13159. 

Special Meeting December 31, 2024

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Special Meeting will be held by the Village of Tully Board of Trustees on December 31, 2024 at 2P.M. located at the Municipal Building, 5833 Meetinghouse Road, Tully NY, 13159. This special meeting is to publicly open and read the Bids for the WWTP Influent Pump Station Improvements (Project NO. 2009.24002.000).  The Village Board may hear any other business that may come before the Village Board of Trustees at that time.