Office Will Be Closing Early on 1-30-2025
Due to the Clerk needing to go to a Doctors Appointment on Thursday January 30, 2025, the office will be open from 9AM to 11AM. Normal office hours will resume on Friday January 31,2025.
Due to the Clerk needing to go to a Doctors Appointment on Thursday January 30, 2025, the office will be open from 9AM to 11AM. Normal office hours will resume on Friday January 31,2025.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Tully Board of Trustees has scheduled an organizational and a regular Village Board meeting for Wednesday, January 8th, 2025, at 6:30pm in leu of holding the meeting on January 1st, 2025. The meeting will be held at the Municipal Building located at 5833 Meetinghouse Road Tully, New York 13159.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Special Meeting will be held by the Village of Tully Board of Trustees on December 31, 2024 at 2P.M. located at the Municipal Building, 5833 Meetinghouse Road, Tully NY, 13159. This special meeting is to publicly open and read the Bids for the WWTP Influent Pump Station Improvements (Project NO. 2009.24002.000). The Village Board may hear any other business that may come before the Village Board of Trustees at that time.